33 Weeks + Dietician Appt

How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +20 total
Maternity clothes? About 95%
Stretch marks? No new ones!
Sleep: The past week I’ve slept like the dead.
Best moment this week: The plethora of movement he’s been doing!
Movement: Kicks, nudges, rolls, and flips the majority of the day.
Food cravings: Pasta, bread.. pretty much anything I can’t have much of. LOL
Gender: BOY!!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Popped out at least 85% of the day.
What I miss: Being able to do a lot of things in one day without cramping/swelling/aching.
What I am looking forward to: Reaching 37 weeks!
Weekly Wisdom: Sometimes the best laid plans can be foiled by your body. Don’t get discouraged, just react and keep fighting.
Milestones: Being only 4 weeks away from full term, and 7 weeks away from my due date!
So I met with my dietician this morning. She is concerned about why my fasting sugars are always 30ish points higher than they should be. For this she’s putting me on insulin at nights, to help the fasting sugars in the morning. She is giving me one week to try to finagle a way to get my lunch/dinner sugars down by tweaking my foods, and if they are still high then I will be put on insulin during the day, too. This really didn’t turn out the way I had hoped.
I was about to cry in the office. I brought my food journal where I’ve logged every item of food I’ve eaten ever since I found out I had GD and she said I’m doing everything 150% correct, but my body just is NOT reacting to diet and exercise, so it’s time to step it up. She said since I have so little time left we really need to step it up quicker than she would with other patients, because every week that goes by he’s just getting bigger and bigger, and my sugars are getting higher and higher.
At least I know I’m not doing anything wrong though. It’s really nice to know that everything I’m doing is helping, just not enough.
So, I see my OB later this morning. I’m supposed to relay the message about the insulin. I’m not sure at what point I will be started on the insulin, but at least we have a plan of action.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Noelle V
    Oct 07, 2009 @ 10:16:05

    Sorry to hear nothing is working. You are almost finished…hang in there!


  2. Brad & Rachel
    Oct 07, 2009 @ 10:46:35

    Sorry to hear that you've been put on the insulin. But you sound positive and you can see the finish line! You're still in my T&P!


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